Saturday, August 7, 2010

Brûlez le Talmud et vous irez en prison, brûlez le Coran et vous passerez à la télévision

For GOP, Islamophobia is the new anti-Communism - War Room -

VIDEO - PRESSTV: Mark Glenn on Islamophobia in US

L'Islam et les musulmans sont devenus une sorte de Piñata sur laquelle tout le monde peut se défouler jusqu'à l'éventrer pour récolter les sucreries qu'elle dispense (montagnes d'argent, popularité, passage sur les plateaux de télé, etc.)

De toute évidence, il s'agit de monter les Occidentaux (patriotes, chrétiens, laïcistes) contre les musulmans, de manière à provoquer une guerre civile de religions et une explosion d'anti-religion.

Y a-t-il une meilleure façon de discréditer et détruire la religion qu'en poussant les fanatiques religieux à se haïr et se déclarer la guerre entre eux? (Est-ce un hasard si de nombreux islamophobes - ex: Glenn Beck - sont aussi des fans de l'objectivisme d'Ayn Rand, une intellectuelle promotrice de l'anti-religion et du néo-libéralisme américano-matérialiste?)

C'est aussi, pour les maîtres du jeu, un excellent prétexte pour lancer une chasse aux sorcières contre les "extrémistes" en tout genre. Le survivalisme (armes, milices et tout le commerce relié) est popularisé pour rendre crédible la menace des "milices extrémistes patriotiques fondamentalistes chrétiennes et républicaines anti-gouvernement". Le réseau Fox et certains agents provocateurs dans le "mouvement de vérité", en particulier les islamophobes, manipulent les "patriotes" ("Tea Party", etc.). Il est probable que les maîtres du jeu ont prévu de pousser ces milices, télécommandées par le biais des médias et des services de renseignement, à déclencher des explosions de violence un peu partout aux États-Unis contre les musulmans et des immigrants.

Un seul groupe profite de tout cela et c'est les sionistes: l'islamophobie justifie leurs guerres, les "extrémistes" et tous les dissidents seront mis hors d'état de nuire, et l'identité des véritables maîtres du jeu reste cachée.

L’AP accusée de mesures contre l'Islam sur demande israélienne

Ce mensonge sur la lapidation en Iran

British Zionists join far-right organization to promote Islamophobia and racism in UK

The Mosque "controversy" is proof that much of our population lives via TV


Gordon Duff: Les mensonges de la mosquée de Ground Zero


Israël et l’explosion d’anti-islamisme

VIDEO - Ron Paul vs the Tea Party hijackers Islamophobes by Rys2sense

Anti-Mosque Coalition’s Website Owned By Neo-Conservative Islamophobe Frank Gaffney

Reality Check for all Islamophobic Christians – Jesus Didn’t Warn Us About the Muslims. He Warned Us About the Jews

Zionist USA is Demonization and Bloody Violence: “Ground Zero Mosque”, Muslim Cabbie Slashed by “Jew”

Pro-Israel extremists have campaigned against an Islamic cultural center before Geller is a regular commentator on the far-right Israeli radio network Arutz Sheva. Together they created a front-group to promote the anti-Muslim crusade called Stop Islamization of America. The campaign of slander against the “Ground Zero Mosque” was first mainstreamed in the Murdoch-owned New York Post and has been trumpeted relentlessly by Fox News, as well as by Neocon operatives like Bill Kristol and Liz Cheney.

Le racisme contre les Arabes: État des lieux d’une intolérance assumée en Europe

L’islamophobie : le nouvel antisémitisme

Islamophobia–Israel’s Most Cherished Weapon of Mass Destruction Destined to Destroy The West If Not Stopped

The Ground Zero Synagogue – Lebanon

VIDEO: Ground Zero Mosque Distraction

VIDEO: How to foster Islamophobia in America

PROPAGANDE VIDEO - Is Barack Obama Really A Saudi / Muslim "Plant" in the White House?

Satire: Man Already Knows Everything He Needs To Know About Muslims

VIDEO - Enemy in Mind: Jewish group gets gunned-up to face-off 'Muslim Threat'

VIDEO - RT- 'Neocons controlling the show'

Why the Neo-Conned Tea Party Movement Used a Harmless NYC Muslim Community Center as a Political Football

AUDIO - Pamela Geller sells the hate on Israel's National Radio
Folks, after you listen to this women trying to convince you to hate Israel's enemy enough to throw the life of your own child away, please remember the following facts.
Those were not Muslims who attacked a US-flagged ship, captured US citizens, and murdered a 19-year old American from New York last May.
Those were not Muslims high-fiving each other and celebrating while the World Trade Towers collapsed.
Muslims did not attack and try to sink the USS Liberty and blame Egypt for it.
Muslims did not steal weapons-grade uranium from the United States in the 1960s and build bombs with it.
Muslims did not build a clandestine weapons lab underneath Dimona.
Muslims did to get caught trying to sell a nuclear weapon to Apartheid South Africa.
Muslims did not lie this nation into attacking Iraq.
Muslims did not corrupt the US Congress.
(Note that the Megaphonies are bumping up the supportive comments at YouTube)

Brûler le Coran n'est pas interdit en soi par la loi américaine
Projet de brûler le Coran: mises en garde au Moyen-Orient
Menaces de brûler le Coran · La tension monte dans le monde entier
Hamas: l’appel de Terry Jones à brûler le Coran est un acte provocateur
«Koran Burning Day» · Le Vatican condamne le plan du pasteur Jones
Le pasteur Jones pourrait renoncer à brûler le Coran
International Burn A Koran Day annulé
Le pasteur Jones menace de renoncer à l'annulation de l'autodafé
Confusion autour de l'autodafé du Coran Après avoir renoncé à son projet de brûler des exemplaires du Coran, le pasteur floridien Terry Jones menace de revenir sur sa décision

Ahmadinejad: Koran burning will bring about Israel's annihilation Iran president calls U.S. pastor's plan to burn copies of Koran on Sept. 11 anniversary a violation of the teachings of all religions.

'Koran burning Zionist plot' : Iranian President Ahmadinejad Mahmoud says Florida pastor's plans to torch copies of holy Islamic book on anniversary of 9/11 attacks 'desperate act by Zionists and their supporters,' will 'accelerate their annihilation'

Autodafé du Coran: Ahmadinejad dénonce un "complot sioniste"

AUDIO - L'autre monde (François Marginean) - De la mosquée de Ground Zero à la diabolisation de l'iran - Les sionistes aux pleins pouvoirs

Mais le plus drôle est qu'un animateur de radio-podcast a réussi à faire dire au pasteur qui veut brûler des Corans qu'il allait aussi jeter quelques Talmud dans le feu!
Dr. Terry Jones Will Burn the Talmud on September 11

Gators 9/11 Truth Speaks to Gainesville Government About Burning Qur'ans

VIDEO - Church plans Quran-burning event

11 septembre, "Journée internationale pour brûler le Coran"

Mettre les points sur les "i" concernant l'Islam-bashing: c'est pas les musulmans qui menacent l'Amérique et nos libertés!

The Ugly Truth - AUDIO - Podcast - Aug 7, 2010
Today’s program features an exclusive interview with Dr Terry Jones, pastor of the infamous Dove World Outreach Center in Gainsville, Florida that is planning to have a ‘Burn a Koran Day’ this upcoming September 11th. Listen as we are joined by special guest Nashid Abdul Khaaliq, of, an African American convert to Islam along with regular co-host of the Ugly Truth Mark Dankof of A MUST HEAR PROGRAM.

The Ugly Truth - AUDIO Podcast - Aug 14, 2010 Nasid Abdul Khaaliq of joins the program to discuss the growing anti-Islamic hysteria in America and the reasons for it–Zionism’s goal to see the Muslim and Christian worlds destroyed through years (centuries) of civilization-destroying wars.

Depuis le 11 septembre, nous entendons toujours plus souvent de la propagande anti-musulmane dans les grands médias contrôlés par les sionistes (qui sont les grands responsables de cette fausse "guerre au terrorisme"). Les répercussions de cette campagne de haine anti-musulmane sont très graves, surtout que cette propagande sert à justifier les guerres au Moyen-orient. Notre gouvernement, sous Stephen Harper est totalement sous la botte des gents d'Israël. Ce gouvernement sioniste canadien ne se satisfait pas de défendre aveuglément Israël, il attaque les "méchants musulmans", les "terroristes arabes Palestiniens". Cela au détriment des intérêts de notre nation et du monde entier, car le but de cette propagande sioniste est de tous nous entraîner dans ce faux conflit des civilisations entre l'Ouest et l'Islam.

Dr. Terry Jones Will Burn the Talmud on September 11

1. Hello Islamophobes, ADL agents, Mossad agents and just plain assholes who think that Dr. Terry (Slave Labor for Jesus) Jones is as cool as Pam Geller (actually, he is better looking) because he wants to burn a book he has never read. No, I’m not talking about the Qur’an, not even the Bible, I’m talking about the Talmud. That’s right, Dr. Terry Jones of the Dove World Outrage Center agreed publicly this weekend to toss in a couple of copies of the Talmud into the fire when he, showing his Christian love, will also be burning copies of the Quran. Please join him, and I hope, Michael Collins Piper, on Sept. 11th for this occasion and be aware that this is a BYOT event. For Shas Party members – BYOT means “Bring you own Talmud” and please be ready to toss it into the fire.
Below is an excerpt from Dr. Jones’ interview this weekend with Mark Glenn at the end of which Glenn asks Jones to toss in a couple of copies of the Talmud into the fire. Jones agrees to do so.
Oh, wait, before I give you the link to the sound clip and to the entire interview, did you know that the Mossad approached Phil Tourney last Friday night in a very threatening manner over his book “What I Saw That Day”? During that meeting the Mossad guy told Phil that they would be visiting Phil’s friend in Idaho too. Mark, who co-wrote the book, lives in Idaho. I’m sure this is just a coincidence. Hope you FBI dudes who read this blog take note of this. Mark has gone to the FBI today and reported the issue in detail, btw. But I digress.
Here is the link to the brief audio clip where Dr. Jones agrees to burning the Talmud.
Here is the link to the entire interview.
And here is the link to the book that the Mossad does not want you to read.
2. Hope to be back publishing as before by the fall. Check back later this week for an astonishing post about the living mummy, Pamela Geller.
3. Michael Collins Piper will be talking about the Mossad threats to Phil and Mark on his show at 8:00 central time on Monday, August 9, on RBN. I will post excerpts of that show later this week.

(Est-ce un hasard si plusieurs islamophobes supporteurs de Geert Wilders sont aussi des fans de l'objectivisme d'Ayn Rand? Rand est une femme d'origine juive russe, l'auteur d'Atlas Shrugged et The Fountainhead, devenue un phare intellectuel de l'américano-matérialisme libéral anti-religion.)

"Ground Zero" mosque opposition funded by Israel's PR agency

Geert Wilders irrite en se prononçant contre la mosquée de Ground Zero

Geert Wilders, propagandiste de l'islamophobie, sioniste et fanatique de la synagogue de Satan:

Geert Wilders: le gentil cochon cachère

L'islamophobie est programmée et organisée par les services du sionisme international
Le projet du sionisme international et des forces de l'oppression tente, dans une troisième vague d'islamophobie, de développer chez les musulmans, un sentiment d'indifférence vis-à-vis des insultes aux valeurs de l'islam, ou de provoquer des réactions incontrôlées.
Le retirage des caricatures sur le Prophète de l'islam(SAWA) et les déclarations offensantes du prêtre Rud Parseli, d'une grande église américaine, qui est un partisan du candidat républicain John Mac Cain, sur la présentation de Dieu dans l'islam et les valeurs islamiques, reprises dans les programmes de Fax news, avec une présentation de l'islam comme le plus grand danger dans le monde, et le film de Geert Wilders qui présente les musulmans comme les responsables des explosions de Londres et de Madrid, font partie des manœuvres propagandistes de la troisième vague d'islamophobie.
La première vague d'islamophobie faisait partie des objectifs expliqués ou secrets des forces d'oppression, avec un anti islamisme et une islamophobie qui n'étaient pas des phénomènes nouveaux en Occident, mais s'enracinaient dans l'Histoire de l'Europe, principalement depuis l'époque des Croisades.
La nouvelle vague d'islamophobie est elle, un programme organisé par le sionisme international. Les premiers phénomènes apparaissent dans les années 80, après la victoire de la Révolution Islamique d'Iran et les profondes transformations qui suivirent dans le monde. Les répercussions de la Révolution Islamique ne touchèrent pas uniquement le monde de l'islam mais toute la communauté internationale.
Avant la Révolution Islamique la bipolarité du monde s'expliquait par les idéologies et le pouvoir du socialisme et du libéralisme. Or la Révolution Islamique fit entrer une nouvelle force dans les équations internationales, avec la renaissance d'une identité islamique et religieuse, et de l'idéologie islamique.
Le livre de Salman Rushdie "les versets sataniques" intervient à l'origine du développement de l'islamophobie, à l'époque de la dislocation de l'Union soviétique et du bloc communiste, au début des années 90. La phobie de l'étranger et de «l'invasion» en Occident, fut exploitée par les forces de l'oppression.
Dans ce cadre, les dirigeants reliés aux lobbies sionistes tentèrent de remplacer le danger du communisme par le danger de l'islam.
A cette nouvelle étape, ils sortirent l'islamophobie du domaine de la simple propagande pour en faire un phénomène scientifiquement et culturellement élaboré, avec les thèses de Samuel Hentington sur le conflit des civilisations, en 1992.
Dans la deuxième étape, ils lancèrent l'idée que les règles islamiques étaient contraires aux droits de l'homme, après le 11 septembre et les explosions de New York et de Washington.
Les médias dominés par les forces de l'oppression, tentèrent d'affaiblir les relations entre le monde islamique et l'Occident.
Cette deuxième vague d'islamophobie était orchestrée par les milieux de l'empire médiatique, de telle sorte que le premier ministre italien avait déclaré, avec un trop grand empressement, que la civilisation occidentale était supérieure à la civilisation islamique, et méprisé les musulmans pour leur pauvreté.
Fokoyama, un mois après les évènements du 11 septembre, avait quant à lui, dans une interview au Gardian, insisté sur le fait que l'islam était la seule idéologie qui menaçait la civilisation occidentale. William Kohen lui aussi, ancien ministre américain de la défense et théoricien politique, avait déclaré que le combat entre les États-Unis et leurs alliés, et l'islam était une quatrième guerre mondiale, et Bush fit même allusion à des deuxièmes croisades!
Les Occidentaux commencèrent à ressentir l'immigration musulmane dans leur pays, comme une menace pour leur bien-être social et leur sécurité d'emploi et de revenus. Ils tentèrent de freiner cette immigration et de développer une islamophobie latente qui encouragerait le retour de ces populations vers leur pays d'origine.
Les explosions du 7 juillet à Londres sont dans ce domaine très significatives, et ont concouru à l'émigration de 500 musulmans anglais.
Le développement démographique des musulmans d'un coté et de l'islam chez les Occidentaux, ainsi que la croissance démographique négative des pays européens, ont fait naître une grande inquiétude chez les dirigeants occidentaux. Les statistiques prévoient que dans quelques dizaines d'années, l'Europe deviendrait un continent islamique. L'islamophobie n'est donc qu'une tactique des dirigeants européens, comme celle des États-Unis dans leur lutte contre le communisme, pendant la guerre froide, qui avaient ainsi pu garder l'Europe à leurs cotés.
Avec la dislocation de l'Union soviétique et la disparition du danger du communisme, l'Europe commença à prendre ses distances vis-à-vis de la politique américaine. Les États-Unis furent donc contraints de reprendre leur politique, cette fois-ci avec l'islamophobie, pour garder leur place au niveau international et régler à leur manière, les problèmes qui s'annonçaient.
L'existence d'un danger latent était nécessaire pour garder l'Europe à leurs cotés et préserver leur position dominante au niveau international.
Un des buts de la propagande de l'Arrogance et du développement de l'islamophobie, était aussi de neutraliser la République Islamique. L'islamophobie était aux yeux de ses programmateurs, plutôt une iranophobie, et c'est pour cette raison que les autorités étasuniennes avaient à maintes reprises, présenté l'Iran comme l'axe du mal et comme le centre du terrorisme dans la région et dans le monde. L'islamophobie expliquait la présence continue des forces américaines et de leurs alliés dans les pays de la région, et légitimait l'occupation, pour permettre aux Etats-Unis de contrôler les richesses et s'assurer leurs besoins énergétiques. De plus, la poursuite de l'occupation était aussi une garantie pour la sécurité du régime sioniste.
Cependant les échecs américains en Irak et l'échec du plan du «grand moyen orient», furent une défaite pour les informaticiens de l'islamophobie. La victoire des partisans du dialogue et de l'islam en Iran, ces dernières années, entrainèrent une deuxième renaissance de l'islam dans la région.
Les victoires politiques des conservateurs musulmans dans de nombreux pays, et surtout la victoire du Hezbollah libanais pendant la guerre des trente trois jours contre le régime sioniste, obligèrent les forces de l'oppression à lancer leur troisième programme de phobie de l'islam, avec en 2005, la publication des caricatures sur le Prophète de l'islam(SAWA), au Danemark, grandement couverte par l'Agence médiatique Fax news, et le film, cette année, du député d'extrême droite néerlandais, Geert Wilders.
Cette troisième étape d'islamophobie qui a aussi des objectifs secrets, s'avère plus étendue et plus élaborée que les précédentes, grâce à des tactiques d'insinuation, de désinformation et de moqueries, et une critique des valeurs islamiques et des enseignements religieux et islamiques.

Mardi 27 Mai 2008

Monday, August 09, 2010

Hoffman contra Wilders: Sharia Law protested, Talmudic Law not an issue

Michael Hoffman’s dissent immediately follows the article below



In a generation or two, the US will ask itself: Who lost Europe?

Here is the speech of Geert Wilders, Chairman, Party for Freedom, the Netherlands, at the Four Seasons, New York, introducing an Alliance of Patriots and announcing the Facing Jihad Conference in Jerusalem
Dear friends,

Thank you very much for inviting me. I come to America with a mission. All is not well in the old world. There is a tremendous danger looming, and it is very difficult to be optimistic. We might be in the final stages of the Islamization of Europe. This not only is a clear and present danger to the future of Europe itself, it is a threat to America and the sheer survival of the West. The United States as the last bastion of Western civilization, facing an Islamic Europe.

First I will describe the situation on the ground in Europe. Then, I will say a few things about Islam. To close I will tell you about a meeting in Jerusalem.

The Europe you know is changing. You have probably seen the landmarks. But in all of these cities, sometimes a few blocks away from your tourist destination, there is another world. It is the world of the parallel society created by Muslim mass-migration.

All throughout Europe a new reality is rising: entire Muslim neighborhoods where very few indigenous people reside or are even seen. And if they are, they might regret it. This goes for the police as well. It's the world of head scarves, where women walk around in figureless tents, with baby strollers and a group of children. Their husbands, or slaveholders if you prefer, walk three steps ahead. With mosques on many street corners. The shops have signs you and I cannot read. You will be hard-pressed to find any economic activity. These are Muslim ghettos controlled by religious fanatics. These are Muslim neighborhoods, and they are mushrooming in every city across Europe. These are the building-blocks for territorial control of increasingly larger portions of Europe, street by street, neighborhood by neighborhood, city by city.

There are now thousands of mosques throughout Europe. With larger congregations than there are in churches. And in every European city there are plans to build super-mosques that will dwarf every church in the region. Clearly, the signal is: we rule.

Many European cities are already one-quarter Muslim: just take Amsterdam , Marseille and Malmo in Sweden . In many cities the majority of the under-18 population is Muslim. Paris is now surrounded by a ring of Muslim neighborhoods. Mohammed is the most popular name among boys in many cities.
In some elementary schools in Amsterdam the farm can no longer be mentioned, because that would also mean mentioning the pig, and that would be an insult to Muslims.

Many state schools in Belgium and Denmark only serve halal food to all pupils. In once-tolerant Amsterdam gays are beaten up almost exclusively by Muslims. Non-Muslim women routinely hear 'whore, whore'. Satellite dishes are not pointed to local TV stations, but to stations in the country of origin.

In France school teachers are advised to avoid authors deemed offensive to Muslims, including Voltaire and Diderot; the same is increasingly true of Darwin. The history of the Holocaust can no longer be taught because of Muslim sensitivity.

In England sharia courts are now officially part of the British legal system. Many neighborhoods in France are no-go areas for women without head scarves. Last week a man almost died after being beaten up by Muslims in Brussels , because he was drinking during the Ramadan.

Jews are fleeing France in record numbers, on the run for the worst wave of anti-Semitism since World War II. French is now commonly spoken on the streets of Tel Aviv and Netanya, Israel. I could go on forever with stories like this. Stories about Islamization.

A total of fifty-four million Muslims now live in Europe. San Diego University recently calculated that a staggering 25 percent of the population in Europe will be Muslim just 12 years from now. Bernard Lewis has predicted a Muslim majority by the end of this century.

Now these are just numbers. And the numbers would not be threatening if the Muslim-immigrants had a strong desire to assimilate. But there are few signs of that. The Pew Research Center reported that half of French Muslims see their loyalty to Islam as greater than their loyalty to France. One-third of French Muslims do not object to suicide attacks. The British Centre for Social Cohesion reported that one-third of British Muslim students are in favor of a worldwide caliphate. Muslims demand what they call 'respect'. And this is how we give them respect. We have Muslim official state holidays. The Christian-Democratic attorney general is willing to accept sharia in the Netherlands if there is a Muslim majority. We have cabinet members with passports from Morocco and Turkey.

Muslim demands are supported by unlawful behavior, ranging from petty crimes and random violence, for example against ambulance workers and bus drivers, to small-scale riots. Paris has seen its uprising in the low-income suburbs, the banlieus. I call the perpetrators 'settlers'. Because that is what they are. They do not come to integrate into our societies; they come to integrate our society into their Dar-al-Islam. Therefore, they are settlers. Much of this street violence I mentioned is directed exclusively against non-Muslims, forcing many native people to leave their neighborhoods, their cities, their countries. Moreover, Muslims are now a swing vote not to be ignored.

The second thing you need to know is the importance of Mohammed the prophet. His behavior is an example to all Muslims and cannot be criticized. Now, if Mohammed had been a man of peace, let us say like Ghandi and Mother Theresa wrapped in one, there would be no problem. But Mohammed was a warlord, a mass murderer, a pedophile, and had several marriages - at the same time. Islamic tradition tells us how he fought in battles, how he had his enemies murdered and even had prisoners of war executed. Mohammed himself slaughtered the Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza. If it is good for Islam, it is good. If it is bad for Islam, it is bad.

Let no one fool you about Islam being a religion. Sure, it has a god, and a here-after, and 72 virgins. But in its essence Islam is a political ideology. It is a system that lays down detailed rules for society and the life of every person. Islam wants to dictate every aspect of life. Islam means 'submission'. Islam is not compatible with freedom and democracy, because what it strives for is sharia. If you want to compare Islam to anything, compare it to communism or national-socialism, these are all totalitarian ideologies.

Now you know why Winston Churchill called Islam 'the most retrograde force in the world', and why he compared Mein Kampf to the Quran. The public has wholeheartedly accepted the Palestinian narrative, and sees Israel as the aggressor. I have lived in this country and visited it dozens of times. I support Israel. First, because it is the Jewish homeland after two thousand years of exile up to and including Auschwitz, second because it is a democracy, and third because Israel is our first line of defense.

This tiny country is situated on the fault line of jihad, frustrating Islam's territorial advance. Israel is facing the front lines of jihad, like Kashmir, Kosovo, the Philippines, Southern Thailand, Darfur in Sudan, Lebanon, and Aceh in Indonesia. Israel is simply in the way. The same way West-Berlin was during the Cold War.

The war against Israel is not a war against Israel. It is a war against the West. It is jihad. Israel is simply receiving the blows that are meant for all of us. If there would have been no Israel , Islamic imperialism would have found other venues to release its energy and its desire for conquest. Thanks to Israeli parents who send their children to the army and lay awake at night, parents in Europe and America can sleep well and dream, unaware of the dangers looming.

Many in Europe argue in favor of abandoning Israel in order to address the grievances of our Muslim minorities. But if Israel were, God forbid, to go down, it would not bring any solace to the West. It would not mean our Muslim minorities would all of a sudden change their behavior, and accept our values.

On the contrary, the end of Israel would give enormous encouragement to the forces of Islam. They would, and rightly so, see the demise of Israel as proof that the West is weak, and doomed. The end of Israel would not mean the end of our problems with Islam, but only the beginning. It would mean the start of the final battle for world domination. If they can get Israel, they can get everything.

So-called journalists volunteer to label any and all critics of Islamization as a 'right-wing extremists' or 'racists'. In my country, the Netherlands, 60 percent of the population now sees the mass immigration of Muslims as the number one policy mistake since World War II. And another 60 percent sees Islam as the biggest threat. Yet there is a greater danger than terrorist attacks, the scenario of America as the last man standing. The lights may go out in Europe faster than you can imagine. An Islamic Europe means a Europe without freedom and democracy, an economic wasteland, an intellectual nightmare, and a loss of military might for America -- as its allies will turn into enemies, enemies with atomic bombs. With an Islamic Europe, it would be up to America alone to preserve the heritage of Rome, Athens and Jerusalem.

Dear friends, liberty is the most precious of gifts. My generation never had to fight for this freedom, it was offered to us on a silver platter, by people who fought for it with their lives. All throughout Europe, American cemeteries remind us of the young boys who never made it home, and whose memory we cherish. My generation does not own this freedom; we are merely its custodians. We can only hand over this hard won liberty to Europe 's children in the same state in which it was offered to us. We cannot strike a deal with mullahs and imams. Future generations would never forgive us. We cannot squander our liberties. We simply do not have the right to do so. We have to take the necessary action now to stop this Islamic stupidity from destroying the free world that we know.

Michael Hoffman contra Geert Wilders:
Sharia Law protested, Talmudic Law not an issue

I will address the two main fallacies which Mr. Wilders advances: 1. Alliance with Judaism and Zionism 2. Obsession with the symptoms rather than the root of the European demographic crisis.

1. Alliance with Judaism and Zionism

Wilders claims the Israelis are part of the West. What nonsense. Talmudism was allied with Islam for centuries. Jonathan Pollard's spying benefited Pakistan through Mossad. Today Egypt is an Israeli satrapy.

Who backed Islamic immigration into Europe in the first place? Major Zionist organizations, that's who. Do some research on Marek Halter; also the Conseil Representif des Institutions Juives de France (CRIF).

Talmudists work for the destruction of the West, as annually commemorated in their Ninth of Av — Tish b’Av rites (see Judaism Discovered). Triumphs of western civilization are regarded by the religion of Orthodox Judaism as disasters and ritually lamented on Tish b’Av.

Mr. Wilders is worried about life under Sharia law, but Europe has been under Halachic (Talmudic) law for decades, without much of a murmur of protest. Does Wilders know the status of a stranger (ger) under the Halacha of the rabbis? He protests rule by Islamic supremacists but works with Zionist supremacists with the supposed joint intention of the restoration of European civilization — a civilization which Orthodox Judaism execrates!

Orthodox Judaism calls western civilization the " kochi ve’otzem yadi of Edom," i.e. the brute strength of their irreconcilable and perpetual racial enemy. Judaism, being more shrewd and duplicitous than Islam, has kept its religious secrets from the prying eyes of outsiders to a far greater extent than Islam.

Even when elite westerners have access to documentation that testifies to the authentic nature of rabbinic Judaism, they refuse to publicize it, in part because they are allied with it through Freemasonry and cognate secret societies which seek the rebuilding of the Third Temple at Jerusalem. Mr. Wilders is oblivious to the religious fanaticism and violence inherent in this rebuilding project, as he is to all the other evil and retrograde aspects of Orthodox Judaism.

As an American and a student of Judaism I am appalled by the extent to which my fellow Americans are serving as puppets of a hidden agenda, when, like Wilders, they shriek and wail about “Sharia law” as if it were in power in state houses across the U.S.

Yet they have zero interest in making the slightest mouse-like peep about the Talmudic law that is increasingly encroaching upon our Constitution and taking over our judiciary and legislature — not a word about Halachic law from the Sharia law protestors. Hence, the latter are very obviously being directed not by American patriots, but by powerful forces who have led them to practice selective indignation concerning the subversive religions (plural) undermining our nation.

2. Obsession with the symptoms rather than the root of the European demographic crisis

The root of the crisis: selfish, pleasure-addicted European Whites are self-exterminating through contraception and abortion.

Foreign peoples who do not engage in the twin plagues of contraception and abortion will quite
naturally replace those indigenous people who do engage in those despicable vices. This is a Law of Nature.

To use Islamic immigrants as an excuse to ally with Zionism and Talmudism is a failure of vision remarkable to behold. By this “logic" European Whites are obliged to support war on Muslim Iran and its “Holocaust” revisionist president. Will we never escape from offering our blood and treasure to the idol of Zionism and Judaism? Will we always be suckered into serving as rabbinic
golem in Judaic wars, on the basis of one fantastic alibi or another?

Mr. Wilders and his self-extinguishing European brethren should first look to their own child-hating, death loving and aging societies for the cause of their demise.

Alien ethnics of all nationalities and religions will always rush in to fill a demographic vacuum brought on by the selfishness and degeneracy of baby-despising Europeans. Joining with Israelis in their brutal territorial wars will do absolutely nothing to save Europe from its own debased hedonism.

When European couples are again having five, ten and fifteen children as their great grand-parents did, they will begin their long peregrination on the road to regaining their ancestral lands.

European nations awash in atheism, euthanasia, abortion and birth control will never revive the civilization of their Christian ancestors, no matter how much they lick the Talmudic boots and share in the bloody crimes of rabbis and Zionists.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Comment on Wilders vs. Hoffman from Leo Schmit

I laud Hoffman's effort to address Wilders' fallacies, but Wilders and his supporters and followers are not interested in intellectual discussion, just in promoting the Judaic-Zionist agenda.

Wilders is a wannabe-Jew and Israeli agent who has paid over 40 visits to the Embassy over the last years, visits that were monitored by the Dutch Intelligence service AIVD. His invitations to Israel are almost as numerous. His sources of funding are undisclosed, possibly both from Israel and the neo-con establishment in the US.

The main purpose of Wilders' operations in the Netherlands and Europe is to sow discord between the native and Islamic immigrant population. This will help legitimise Israel's brutal treatment of Palestine in Dutch/European public opinion. That's why he presents Israel as front state in the war against Islam.

Wilders has openly advocated the 'ethnic cleansing' of Palestine and the creation of Greater Israel (Eretz).

In the Netherlands Wilders' seeks to escape Dutch and European discrimination laws, by branding Islam as an ideology (i.e. not a religion). The logic is that it is legal to challenge competing ideologies. He juxtaposes this supposedly 'evil' ideology against an imaginary European or Western Judeo-Christian values system.

Having now won 1,500,000 votes in recent elections, Wilders is a key player in Dutch post-election negotiations who will ensure that no dissent (against Zionism, Israel, judaism) whatsoever will find a place in the new Judeo-Dutch government.

In the end of his argument Hoffman goes along with Wilders' demographic and 'weak hedonistic' logic while seemingly opposing it. Hoffman steps with open eyes into the 'save Europe, or save 'Western heonism'' trap. Fortunately there is a lot more positive to say about young Europeans than both Hoffman and Wilders seem to be aware of.


Statement from Michael Hoffman on the Mosque Controversy in New York

Synagogues Permissible, but not Mosques?

"I am reasonably literate on the subject of what the religion of Orthodox Judaism actually believes and teaches in the synagogue, including execution of those who preach that Jesus Christ is God. As an American and a Christian I affirm that a Talmudic synagogue is no more or less appropriate anywhere near "Ground Zero" in Manhattan than a mosque. Where did the Founding Fathers, the Constitution or the First Amendment stipulate that synagogues were permissible and mosques were not? Right wing Republicans are willfully ignorant of the evils of Talmudic law and stirred to rage over Sharia law. But this ignorance does not make synagogues any more acceptable than mosques. If a mosque is banned then a synagogue is liable to the same interdict. Our Constitution does not, however, provide for any house of worship of any religion, to be singled out for obstruction or suppression.”
- Michael Hoffman, author of Judaism Discovered

Under the Synagogue’s Talmudic Noachide* law those who worship Jesus Christ are subject to execution. Here is the documentation:

The rabbinic legal authorities of Orthodox Judaism decree that the worship of Jesus Christ constitutes idol worship (avodah zarah).
—Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Avodat Kochavim 9:4. Teshuvos Pri ha-Sadeh 2:4. Igros Moshe, Y.D. 3:129-6

Idol worshippers are liable to the death penalty under the Talmudic "Noachide Laws."
—BT Sanhedrin 57a

Rabbinic authorities decree that a building set aside for actual (rather than feigned) worship of Jesus Christ is a house of avodah zarah.
—Yayin Malchus, 234-237. Minchas Elazar 1:53-3. Yechaveh Da'as 4:45. Darchei Teshuvah 150:2. Tzitz Eliezer 14:91

Therefore, when passing a church, Judaics utter a curse upon it as follows: "Beis gee'im visach Hashem.”
—Birkath ha-Minim, 12th Amidah. BT Berakhot 58b

* The Talmudic Noah is not be confused with the Noah of the Bible. See Judaism Discovered pp. 496-499.

Les médias sous contrôle

Ici ont été rassemblées les preuves que les grands conglomérats de médias et divertissement nord-américain (y compris les fournisseurs à l'échelle mondiale) sont contrôlés par des juifs (Zuckerman,etc.) ou des pro-sionistes (ex: Murdoch,etc.).

C'est aussi le cas des nouveaux réseaux sociaux comme Facebook, les moteurs de recherche comme Google, les grandes compagnies d'informatique comme Apple, etc.

Depuis plus de 25 ans, le Bilderberg des médias se rencontre à Sun Valley

Pourquoi des juifs?

Parce que la majorité des milliardaires américains les plus importants sont des juifs.

Non seulement ils l'admettent, ils le proclament!

Voir aussi ce film allemand des années trente Rothschild's Waterloo (s-t anglais) qui explique comment les juifs Rothschild ont carrément racheté la banque d'Angleterre suite à la défaite de Napoléon à Waterloo. Dans ce cas ci, pour les usuriers, Waterloo ne signifie pas "défaite", au contraire, notre défaite, comme celle de Napoléon, est pour eux synonyme de victoire!

Rothschild est l'ennemi ultime

Le Nouveau Testament brûlé dans la rue à Jérusalem
Flashback: Orthodox Jewish youths burn New Testaments in Or Yehuda

Voyez le dangereux Hagee à 1:25 et 1:34, dans ce vidéo corporatif de B'nai Brith Canada. Ainsi, BBC contredit radicalement son discours anti-haine en promouvant le prédicateur anti-Islam le plus fanatiquement haineux au monde.

AUDIO - L'autre monde - De la mosquée de ground 0 à la diabolisation de l'iran - Les sionistes aux pleins pouvoirs

Selon le propagandiste juif sioniste anti-Islam Daniel Pipes, Netanyahou devrait menacer de nucléariser l'Iran

Judas Goats -- The Enemy Within: The Shocking Story of the Infiltration and Subversion of the American Nationalist Movement

Des faux nationalistes: islamophobes et sionistes

Les fauteurs de guerres

Podcast AUDIO Interview with Mike Piper to Discuss the True Origins of the New World Order


Trotskisme, Sionisme et Néo-conservatisme

11 septembre et tout le reste: c'était pas les musulmans!

Israël, B'Nai Brith... serait-ce le KKK de la Maison des Rothschild?

Psychopath Neocon Daniel Pipes Calls For Palestinian Economic Collapse

Caricatures islamophobes et réseaux d'influence sioniste